Habit is one of the affective (non-scholastic) qualities expected to be developed by a learner during the course of his education. There are regular, irregular and distinctive habits related to academic and curricular activities. Observation, checklist, interviews, anecdotal records, assignments, etc., are some of the techniques which can be used for measuring this aspects.

Halo Effect is a form of bias in ratings, arising from the tendency of a rater by this general impression about an individual who is being rated. Sometimes, the tendency of the raters is influenced by a favourable or unfavourable characteristic which ultimately affects the fairness of their judgement on other traits of the individual. Instead of judging a trait on the basis of individual merit, the raters are tempted to think either all are good or bad. This tendency can be overcome by defining the traits to be rated in terms of concrete behaviour.

Heteroscedasticity is the property ofa scatter diagram or a double entry table, wherein the column and/or standard deviation exceeds chance variability. This property of relative variability is useful for the proper interpretation of a validity coefficient.

Heterotrait-Heteromethod Validity is a kind of discriminant construct validity established by adopting the multitrait-multimethod validation procedure. It is an elaborate procedure to the study of correlations among tests measuring the same variable. Correlations among different traits and different methods are termed as 'Heterotrait-Heteromethod' correlations.

Higher Order Abilities - out of the six hierarchical levels of cognitive/scholastic ability, the last three levels comprising analysis, synthesis and evaluation are considered as the most complex skills. They are often referred as higher order abilities. These abilities mostly depend on the level at which the subjects are taught. However, they are content independent and not controlled by the nature, depth and quantity of content alone. [Also see, Lower Order Abilities].

Holistic Language Testing is one that is based on the philosophical theory that visualizes the parts of a phenomenon in terms of the phenomenon as a whole. It is concerned with the communicative effect of the episode as a whole but not with the manipulation of the language elements.

Homoscedasticity is the property of a scatter diagram or double entry table, whose rows and columns have the same standard deviation within the limits of chance variability. This property of variability is useful for the proper interpretation of a validity coefficient.

Hours-per-band (hpb) refers to the number of tuition hours a learner takes to progress through a complete band of learning tasks.